Tim Conway is known for the various roles he has played on television since the 1960’s. Now, at 84 years old, he is battling dementia and requires skilled nursing care 24 hours a day — which he is currently receiving at what his daughter calls an excellent facility. His wife, on the other hand, wants him moved to another care center. Who will get their way? This kind of situation is often seen by elder law attorneys in New Jersey and elsewhere.
In the Conway case, Tim’s 56-year-old daughter has asked a judge to grant her guardianship. She does not agree with his wife’s choices about his care. She claims that he needs assistance in every possible way and that moving him to the facility his wife wants him at will ensure he is not receiving the care he requires.
Little is known about what protections Mr. Conway put in place for himself. It is unclear if he has a living will. Such documents are generally upheld in court unless a judge finds there is reason to invalidate them. When there are concerns over a loved one’s care, such as in this case, that is certainly a reason to question any legal documents or appointments.
Challenging living wills or other estate planning documents is not easy by any means. However, ensuring loved ones are taken care of properly matters and is worth looking into if there are concerns. Whether one is dealing with such an issue in New Jersey or elsewhere, an elder law attorney will have the ability to review the case, provide legal guidance and, if necessary, take the issue to court in order to seek resolution to the matter.