Establish A Guardianship Before It’s An Emergency
Legal guardianships may be established to care for minor children, special needs adult children and incapacitated adults. While it is possible to establish guardianships in emergency situations, it is better for all parties if guardianships are set up before an emergency arises.
The Morris County guardianship attorneys at Torzewski & McInerney, LLC, can help your family plan ahead and file guardianship proceedings and assist with the appointment and qualification of the guardian. We can also help you when an emergency illness or injury incapacitates an adult. Attorney Thomas N. Torzewski has experience serving as a court-appointed conservator and guardian for minors and incapacitated adults. He has experience with complex cases involving contested guardianships and elder law issues as well. Contact Torzewski & McInerney, LLC to discuss your options.
Is Your Child With Special Needs Approaching 18 Years Of Age?
We represent parents applying to be the guardians of their adult special needs children. At age 18, people are legally considered adults, regardless of their ability to make legal, financial and health care decisions. To legally and properly care for your child after age 18, you will need to establish a guardianship.